
     1	#!/bin/bash
     2	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
     3	##
     4	##=head1 SYNOPSIS
     5	##
     6	## Url handler functions for downloading http, https, and ftp urls
     7	##
     8	##=head1 DESCRIPTION
     9	##
    10	## This file contains functions for downloading and verifying
    11	## http, https, and ftp urls.  This file uses the "wget" program.
    12	##
    13	##=head1 COPYRIGHT
    14	##
    15	## Copyright 2002 by the Source Mage Team
    16	##
    17	##=head1 FUNCTIONS
    18	##
    19	##=over 4
    20	##
    21	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    23	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    24	##=item url_http_bucketize <url>
    25	##
    26	## echoes the download handler - wget
    27	##
    28	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    29	function url_http_bucketize() {
    30	  echo $HTTP_DL_HANDLER
    31	}
    32	function url_ftp_bucketize() {
    33	  echo $HTTP_DL_HANDLER
    34	}
    35	function url_https_bucketize() {
    36	  echo $HTTP_DL_HANDLER
    37	}
    39	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    40	##=item url_http_verify <url>
    41	##
    42	## Verifies the specified http url.  Returns true if the url exists
    43	## OR if the url is an empty string.
    44	##
    45	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    46	function url_http_verify() {
    47	  local  URL=$1
    48	  local hints="$2"
    49	  local check_certificate
    51	  if list_find "$hints" no-check-certificate; then
    52	    check_certificate=--no-check-certificate
    53	  fi
    55	  if [  -n  "$URL"  ]; then
    56	    if  OUTPUT=`wget --passive-ftp -t 1 -T 30 --spider $check_certificate "$URL" 2>&1`;  then
    57	      true
    58	    else
    59	      echo  $OUTPUT
    60	      false
    61	    fi
    62	  fi
    63	}
    66	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    67	##=item url_https_verify <url>
    68	##
    69	## Verifies the specified https url.  Returns true if the url exists
    70	## OR if the url is an empty string.
    71	##
    72	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    73	function url_https_verify() {
    74	  url_http_verify  "$@"
    75	}
    78	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    79	##=item url_ftp_verify <url>
    80	##
    81	## Verifies the specified ftp url.  Echos results of wget if file
    82	## is not found.
    83	##
    84	##
    85	## @Implementation_note wget --spider still downloads ftp files in full rather
    86	## @Implementation_note than just checking that the file is there. To get
    87	## @Implementation_note around this problem, we download the directory and see
    88	## @Implementation_note if the file is in the directory listing.
    89	##
    90	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    91	function url_ftp_verify() {
    92	  local  URL=$1
    94	  if  [  -n  "$URL"  ];  then
    95	    local  FILENAME
    96	    local  DIRECTORY
    97	    smgl_basename $URL FILENAME
    98	    smgl_dirname $URL DIRECTORY
    99	    local  OUTPUT=`wget --passive-ftp -t 1 -T 30 -O - --spider -S "$DIRECTORY/" 2>&1`
   101	    if real_list_find "$OUTPUT" "$FILENAME";  then
   102	      rm  -f  .listing
   103	    else
   104	      echo  $OUTPUT  |  sed  's/LIST.*//g'
   105	      [  -f  .listing  ]  &&  cat  .listing
   106	      rm -f  .listing
   107	      false
   108	    fi
   109	  fi
   110	}
   112	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   113	##=item url_<prefix>_hostname <url>
   114	##
   115	## Gets the hostname out of the url
   116	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   117	function url_http_hostname() {
   118	  echo $1|sed 's:^.*//\([^/]*\).*$:\1:'
   119	}
   120	function url_https_hostname() {
   121	  url_http_hostname $1
   122	}
   123	function url_ftp_hostname() {
   124	  url_http_hostname $1
   125	}
   127	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   128	##=item url_<prefix>_netselect <url>
   129	##
   130	## Run netselect on the url, netselect understands these urls and
   131	## we can take advantage of its multi-A record handling
   132	##
   133	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   134	function url_http_netselect() {
   135	  netselect -t 3 -s 1000 "$@" 2>/dev/null
   136	}
   137	function url_https_netselect() {
   138	  netselect -t 3 -s 1000 "$@" 2>/dev/null
   139	}
   140	function url_ftp_netselect() {
   141	  netselect -t 3 -s 1000 "$@" 2>/dev/null
   142	}
   144	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145	## expand a url to ALL of the mirrors we think may be related
   146	## Take the url, find its hostname, if a file in $MIRRORS matches
   147	## generate new urls from all the mirrors in the file, the original url
   148	## is kept at the top of the list and not duplicated
   149	##
   150	## @param a list of urls
   151	## @stdout the expanded form of those urls
   152	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153	function url_http_expand() {
   154	  local A=$'\a'
   155	  local URL rep tgt my_hostname each
   156	  # put the requested url first
   157	  echo "$@"
   158	  for URL in $@ ; do
   159	    my_hostname=$(url_hostname ${URL})
   160	    # a mirror is listed in the mirror listings as either
   161	    # ftp://foo.somemirror.org/stuff
   162	    # OR
   163	    # ftp://foo.somemirror.org
   164	    # note neither ends in a '/' but one has a '/' at the end of the
   165	    # hostname, the other has an end of line. The \(/\|\$\) stuff matches
   166	    # either
   167	    for each in $(grep -lr "://$my_hostname\(/\|\$\)" --exclude-dir=config $MIRRORS); do
   168	      rep=$(grep "://$my_hostname\(/\|\$\)" $each|awk '{print $NF; exit 0; }')
   169	      for tgt in $(awk '{print $NF}' $each|grep -v '^Custom$'); do
   170	         echo ${URL}|sed "s$A${rep}$A${tgt}$A"
   171	      done
   172	    done |grep -v $my_hostname
   173	  done
   174	}
   176	function url_ftp_expand() {
   177	  url_http_expand "$@"
   178	}
   179	# note that there is no https_expand
   181	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   182	##=back
   183	##
   184	##=head1 LICENSE
   185	##
   186	## This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   187	## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   188	## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   189	## (at your option) any later version.
   190	##
   191	## This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   192	## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   194	## GNU General Public License for more details.
   195	##
   196	## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   197	## along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
   198	## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   199	##
   200	#---------------------------------------------------------------------