
     1	#!/bin/bash
     2	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
     3	## @Synopsis Internal api for summoning/printing spell file information. Mainly for use by cast and summon, who both need to "summon".
     4	##
     5	## This just wraps up calls to run_details, get_spell_files_and_urls
     6	## and download_files. Along with doing the logging and other stuff.
     7	## This is mainly to reduce duplication of code between cast and summon
     8	## and to make it so cast doesn't have to actually run the summon script.
     9	##
    10	## @Copyright Copyright (C) 2004 The Source Mage Team <http://www.sourcemage.org>
    11	## @Copyright Copyright (C) 2005 The Source Mage Team <http://www.sourcemage.org>
    12	##
    13	## @Contributors Andrew Stitt <astitt@sourcemage.org)
    14	## @Contributors Paul Mahon <pmahon@sourcemage.org)
    15	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    17	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    18	## @param Spell name to summon
    19	## @return 0 if all the source urls were downloaded/found
    20	##         1 if any of them failed.
    21	## As the name would imply, summon a spell given its name.
    22	## The spell is sourced in a subshell and thus no variable leakage
    23	## will occur to the caller (although the function could be effected
    24	## by leakage from other places). This function will take care of
    25	## locking out other processes from downloading the same spell.
    26	## Also takes care of making entries in the activity log
    27	##
    28	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    29	function summon_spell() {
    30	  $STD_DEBUG
    31	  local SPELL=$1
    32	  local rc=1
    33	  if [ -n "${SPELL}" ] && lock_resources "summon" "${SPELL}"; then
    34	    local dl_dir=$TMP_DIR/${SPELL:-none}
    35	    debug "libsummon" "dl_dir is $dl_dir"
    36	    mkdir -p $dl_dir && pushd $dl_dir &>/dev/null &&
    38	    # run in a subshell rather than try to unset_details
    39	    # and instead jump through hoops to get the return code correctly
    40	    ( local rc=1
    41	      run_details    &&
    42	      run_spell_file DOWNLOAD download
    43	      rc=$?
    45	      if [[ $rc == 0 ]]; then
    46	        activity_log "summon" "$SPELL"  "$VERSION" "success"
    47	      else
    48	        activity_log "summon" "$SPELL"  "$VERSION" "failure" "download failed"
    49	      fi
    51	      # this actually only returns from the subshell, not the function
    52	      return $rc
    53	    ) && popd &>/dev/null
    54	    rc=$?
    55	    rm -rf $dl_dir
    56	    unlock_resources "summon" "${SPELL}"
    57	  fi
    58	  return $rc
    59	}
    61	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62	## Helper routine to dump out the files and urls for a spell given that
    63	## the caller has run run_details.
    64	##
    65	## @Stdout multiple lines, one per SOURCE/SOURCEx as "SOURCE SOURCE_URL[0] SOURCE_URL[1]"
    66	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67	function get_spell_files_and_urls() {
    68	  $STD_DEBUG
    69	  local url src
    70	  for src in $(real_get_source_nums SOURCE); do
    71	    url="$src"'_URL[*]'
    72	    src="${!src}"
    73	    [[ ${src} ]] && echo ${src} ${!url}
    74	  done
    75	}
    78	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79	## @param none
    80	##
    81	## Call acquire_src for each SOURCEx_URL
    82	##
    83	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84	function real_default_sorcery_download() {
    85	  $STD_DEBUG
    86	  local SOURCE_NUMBER
    87	  for SOURCE_NUMBER in $(real_get_source_nums X); do
    89	    acquire_src $SOURCE_NUMBER
    90	  done
    91	}
    94	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95	## @param source number or '' for the first $SOURCE
    96	##
    97	## Acquire the source. Check locally unless options insist on not
    98	## doing so.
    99	##
   100	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101	function real_acquire_src() {
   102	  $STD_DEBUG
   103	  local DLNUM="$1"
   104	  local SVAR="SOURCE${DLNUM}"
   105	  local target=${!SVAR}
   107	  # maybe we already have the file
   108	  # but we can only use it if not FORCE_DOWNLOADing
   109	  is_downloaded "$target" "$DLNUM" \
   110	  "for spell ${SPELL_COLOR}${SPELL}${DEFAULT_COLOR} " && return 0
   112	  # else the source must be downloaded/updated
   113	  download_src "$DLNUM"
   114	}
   116	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117	## @param download target
   118	## @param source number
   119	## @return 0 if the target already exsists and FORCE_DOWNLOADing is disabled
   120	## @return 1 otherwise
   121	##
   122	## Checks if the download target is already downloaded,
   123	## Inspects $FORCE_DOWNLOAD and ${FORCE_DOWNLOAD[$srcnum]}
   124	## if either are set then downloading is forced, a local copy of the
   125	## file is ignored.
   126	##
   127	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128	function is_downloaded() {
   129	  local target="$1"
   130	  local dlnum="${2:-1}"
   131	  local reason="$3"
   133	  if file_exists "$SOURCE_CACHE/$target " &&
   134	     ! [[ ${FORCE_DOWNLOAD} ]] &&
   135	     ! [[ ${FORCE_DOWNLOAD[$dlnum]} ]] ; then
   136	    # file_exists does a fuzzy match with gz, tgz and bz2
   137	    # lookup what file it actually found and use that for the message
   138	    local real_target=$(guess_filename $SOURCE_CACHE/$target)
   139	    message  "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Found source file"             \
   140	             "${FILE_COLOR}${real_target}${DEFAULT_COLOR}"     \
   141	             "${reason}in ${FILE_COLOR}${SOURCE_CACHE}${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   142	    return 0
   143	  fi
   144	  return 1
   145	}
   147	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148	## @param source number or '' for the first $SOURCE
   149	##
   150	## Expands $SOURCEx, $SOURCEx_URL[*] and $SOURCEx_HINTS
   151	## then calls download_src_args with them.
   152	##
   153	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154	function real_download_src() {
   155	  $STD_DEBUG
   156	  local DLNUM="$1"
   157	  local SVAR="SOURCE${DLNUM}"
   158	  local SURLVAR=${SVAR}'_URL[*]'
   159	  local SHINTVAR=${SVAR}'_HINTS'
   161	  local target=${!SVAR}
   162	  local urls=${!SURLVAR}
   163	  local hints=${!SHINTVAR}
   165	  [[ "$target" ]] || {
   166	    message "Empty value in $SVAR!!"
   167	    return 1
   168	  }
   169	  [[ "$urls" ]] || {
   170	    message "No urls in $SURLVAR!!"
   171	    return 1
   172	  }
   173	  download_src_args "$target" "$urls" "$hints"
   174	}
   176	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177	## @param file
   178	## @param url list
   179	## @param url options
   180	##
   181	## Download the resource, handles file and tree discrepencies, if a tree is
   182	## downloaded it is repackaged as the specified file for later use.
   183	##
   184	## Only tar.bz2 files are acceptable caches for repackaged trees
   185	##
   186	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187	function download_src_args() {
   188	  $STD_DEBUG
   189	  local target="$1"
   190	  local urls="$2"
   191	  local hints="$3"
   193	  ensure_dir "$SOURCE_CACHE"
   195	  message  "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Downloading source file"       \
   196	           "${FILE_COLOR}${target}${DEFAULT_COLOR}"     \
   197	           "${REASON}"
   199	  # get the update tree if we think there is one
   200	  local new_target=$target
   201	  unpack_for_update "$target" "$urls" "$hints" new_target guess_type
   203	  # this does the actual downloading:
   204	  local summon_type summon_target
   205	  if ! download_src_sub "$new_target" "$urls" "$hints" "$guess_type" \
   206	                                       summon_target summon_type; then
   207	    if [[ $guess_type == tree ]] && test -f $SOURCE_CACHE/$target; then
   208	      if [[ $STRICT_SCM_UPDATE == off ]] ; then
   209	        message  "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Update of"            \
   210	             "${FILE_COLOR}${target}${DEFAULT_COLOR}"   \
   211	             "${PROBLEM_COLOR}failed, falling back to old" \
   212	             "version${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   213	        # cleanup unpacked tree
   214	        rm -rf $new_target
   215	        return 0
   216	      fi
   217	    fi
   218	    message  "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Download of"            \
   219	             "${FILE_COLOR}${target}${DEFAULT_COLOR}"   \
   220	             "${PROBLEM_COLOR}failed${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   221	    return 1
   222	  fi
   224	  # look at what we got
   225	  if ! [[ $summon_target ]] ; then
   226	    message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Empty value for downloaded target, file a bug" \
   227	            "if you see this.${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   228	    return 255
   229	  fi
   231	  # repackage if necessary and move to $SOURCE_CACHE
   232	  if [[ "$summon_type" == tree ]] ; then
   234	    # incorrect guess, set new_target appropriatly
   235	    if [[ "$guess_type" == file ]] ; then
   236	      new_target="${target/.tar.bz2/}"
   237	    fi
   239	    if ! test -d $summon_target; then
   240	      message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Value for downloaded target ($summon_target)" \
   241	              "is not a directory, but a tree was downloaded, file a bug" \
   242	              "if you see this.${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   243	      return 255
   244	    fi
   245	    if [[ $summon_target != $new_target ]] ; then
   246	      mv -f $summon_target $new_target
   247	    fi &&
   248	    message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Repackaging ${SPELL_COLOR}$target${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   249	    tar --remove-files -cjf $target $new_target &&
   250	    rm -rf $new_target
   251	  elif [[ "$summon_type" == file ]] ; then
   252	    # there is no penalty for guessing tree when the result is a file
   253	    if [[ $summon_target != $target ]] ; then
   254	      mv -f "$summon_target" "$target"
   255	    fi
   256	  else
   257	    message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Unknown download type: \"$summon_type\""\
   258	            "at \"$summon_target\". Please file a bug if you see this." \
   259	            "${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   260	    return 1
   261	  fi
   262	  rm -rf $SOURCE_CACHE/$target &&
   263	  mv $target $SOURCE_CACHE
   264	}
   266	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   267	##
   268	## @param file
   269	## @param url list
   270	## @param url options
   271	## @param summon target return value, pass by reference
   272	## @param summon type return value, pass by reference
   273	##
   274	## Download the resource, first try a leapforward url, then the given
   275	## urls and finally the fallbacks.
   276	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277	function download_src_sub()  {
   279	  $STD_DEBUG
   281	  local target="$1"
   282	  local url_list="$2"
   283	  local hints="$3"
   284	  local guess_type=$4
   285	  local _summon_target=$5
   286	  local _summon_type=$6
   288	  {
   289	    [[ $guess_type == file ]] &&
   290	    download_from_leapforward "$target" "$url_list" "$hints" \
   291	                            "$_summon_target" "$_summon_type" &&
   292	    source_sanity "$target"
   293	  } ||
   295	  {
   296	    url_download_expand_sort "$target" "$url_list" "$hints" \
   297	                             "$_summon_target" "$_summon_type"  &&
   298	    if [[ $guess_type == file ]]; then
   299	      source_sanity "$target"
   300	    fi
   301	  } ||
   303	  { # dont use fallback if the type is not a file (bug 9847)
   304	    [[ $guess_type == file ]] &&
   305	    download_from_fallback "$target" "$url_list" "$hints" \
   306	                           "$_summon_target" "$_summon_type" &&
   307	    source_sanity "$target"
   308	  }
   310	}
   312	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   313	##
   314	## Download the specified resource from the leapforward url if one is
   315	## given.
   316	##
   317	## @param file
   318	## @param url list
   319	## @param url options
   320	## @param summon target return value, pass by reference
   321	## @param summon type return value, pass by reference
   322	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323	function download_from_leapforward() {
   324	  $STD_DEBUG
   325	  if ! [ -n "$LEAPFORWARD_URL" ]; then
   326	    return 1
   327	  fi
   329	  local target="$1"
   330	  local url_list="$2"
   331	  local hints="$3"
   332	  local _summon_target=$4
   333	  local _summon_type=$5
   335	  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Attempting to get file from" \
   336	          "leap-forward mirror ${DEFAULT_COLOR}${LEAPFORWARD_URL}"
   337	  # leap forwards dont need to be expanded or sorted
   338	  url_download "$target" "$LEAPFORWARD_URL/$target" "$hints" \
   339	                                  "$_summon_target" "$_summon_type"
   340	}
   342	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343	##
   344	## Attempt to get the resource from the fallback urls, try each one in
   345	## a random order.
   346	##
   347	## @param file
   348	## @param url list
   349	## @param url options
   350	## @param summon target return value, pass by reference
   351	## @param summon type return value, pass by reference
   352	##
   353	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354	function download_from_fallback() {
   355	  $STD_DEBUG
   356	  local target="$1"
   357	  local url_list="$2"
   358	  local hints="$3"
   359	  local _summon_target=$4
   360	  local _summon_type=$5
   362	  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Attempting to get file from fall-back mirrors" \
   363	          "${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   365	  # slow and painful buildup of all fallback mirrors in quasi random order
   366	  local i idx
   367	  local FALL_BACKS
   368	  local offset=$[${RANDOM} % $FURLNUM]
   369	  for (( i=0; $i < $FURLNUM; i++ ));  do
   370	    idx=$[($i + $offset) % $FURLNUM]
   371	    FALL_BACKS="$FALL_BACKS ${FALLBACK_URL_MIRROR[$idx]}/$target"
   372	  done
   373	  [ -n "$FALL_BACKS" ] &&
   374	  # dont order fall backs, above we use a random ordering
   375	  url_download "$target" "$FALL_BACKS" "$hints" "$_summon_target" \
   376	                                                "$_summon_type"
   377	}
   379	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380	##
   381	## Make a guess as to whether or not the resource being downloaded
   382	## will be a file or a tree if it is a tree and the cached source exists
   383	## then unpack it in the current directory so it may be updated
   384	##
   385	## @param target
   386	## @param url_list
   387	## @param hints
   388	## @param new target return value pass by reference
   389	## @param guessed type return value pass by reference
   390	##
   391	##
   392	#-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   393	function unpack_for_update() {
   394	  $STD_DEBUG
   395	  local target="$1"
   396	  local url_list="$2"
   397	  local hints="$3"
   398	  local new_target_ref=$4
   399	  local guess_type_ref=$5
   400	  local _new_target
   401	  local _guess_type
   403	  # hard-coded list of url prefixes that generally download trees
   404	  local tree_prefixes="cvs dir rsync smgl_tla svn svn_http svn_ssh git"
   405	  tree_prefixes="$tree_prefixes svn_https git_http hg_http bzr"
   406	  local prefix=$(url_get_prefix $url_list)
   407	  if ! list_find "$hints" file &&
   408	     list_find "$hints" tree || list_find "$tree_prefixes" "$prefix" ; then
   409	    _new_target="${target/.tar.bz2/}"
   410	    eval "$guess_type_ref=\"tree\""
   411	    eval "$new_target_ref=\"\$_new_target\""
   413	    # if $target exists in $SOURCE_CACHE and we think the download might be
   414	    # a tree, unpack it so the tree can be updated
   415	    if test -f $SOURCE_CACHE/$target && ! list_find "$hints" no_update; then
   416	      unpack_file_simple $target || return 1
   417	      if ! test -d "$_new_target" ; then
   418	        debug "libsummon" "unpacked $target but to somewhere strange"
   419	      fi
   420	    fi
   421	  else
   422	    eval "$new_target_ref=\"\$target\""
   423	    eval "$guess_type_ref=\"file\""
   424	  fi
   425	  return 0
   426	}
   428	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   429	## Perform rudimentary source sanity checks on summoned files.
   430	## Currently only checks that files are not zero sized or html 404 notices.
   431	## Some sites, notably sourceforge, break http by having missing files
   432	## do a 30X redirect to a 404 html file which when downloaded has a
   433	## 200 (OK) status. Other sites do 30X redirect to the new location of
   434	## the requested file, which then successfully downloads (which is
   435	## the correct thing to do). We catch that here rather than wait for
   436	## file verification to catch it.
   437	## @param file to check
   438	## @Stdout error message if file fails the check
   439	## @return 1 if file fails the check
   440	## @return 0 if file passes the check
   441	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   442	function source_sanity() {
   443	  [[ "$1" ]] || return 0
   444	  [[ "$SUMMON_SANITY" == off ]] && return 0
   445	  local core_msg
   446	  core_msg="${PROBLEM_COLOR}Sanity check of${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   447	  core_msg="$core_msg ${FILE_COLOR}$1${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   448	  core_msg="$core_msg ${PROBLEM_COLOR}failed:${DEFAULT_COLOR}\n"
   450	  if ! test -s "$1"; then
   451	    message "$core_msg Empty"
   452	    return 1
   453	  fi
   455	  if [[ "$1" != "${1%.tar.???}" ]] ||
   456	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.tar.??}" ]] ||
   457	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.tar.?}" ]] ||
   458	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.tar}" ]] ||
   459	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.zip}" ]] ||
   460	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.tgz}" ]] ||
   461	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.sig}" ]] ||
   462	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.sign}" ]] ||
   463	     [[ "$1" != "${1%.asc}" ]]; then
   464	    local _type=$(file -bi "$1")
   465	    if echo $_type | grep -iq "text/"; then
   466	      message "$core_msg $_type"
   467	      return 1
   468	    fi
   469	  fi
   471	}
   472	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   473	## This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   474	## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   475	## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   476	## (at your option) any later version.
   477	##
   478	## This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   479	## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   481	## GNU General Public License for more details.
   482	##
   483	## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   484	## along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
   485	## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   486	#---------------------------------------------------------------------