
     1	#!/bin/bash
     3	#-----
     4	## Output a short message about using libscreen
     5	#-----
     6	function screen_quick_intro() {
     7	  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Using screen mode. Watch the bottom for notices."
     8	  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Press ^A-n and ^A-p to cycle through windows."
     9	  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Screen help">help">help is available with ^A-? (control-a ?)${DEFAULT}"
    10	}
    12	#-----
    13	## @param Screen session name
    14	## @param Command
    15	## @param (optional) Command parameter
    16	## @param ...
    18	## It execs a screen session with the specified name, with the specified
    19	## arguments.
    20	#-----
    21	function screen_start() {
    22	  $STD_DEBUG
    23	  local name="$1"
    24	  local screen
    25	  shift
    26	  if ! smgl_which screen screen > /dev/null  ; then
    27	    message "Cannot find screen."
    28	    message "Consider fixing the PATH, or disabling screen mode and casting screen."
    29	    exit 1
    30	  fi
    31	  exec $screen -S "$name" $SCREEN_KEY -c $SCREENRC "$@"
    32	}
    34	#-----
    35	## @param Screen session name
    36	## This function is not used, and probably won't be. It is a way to run
    37	## a command in a screen.
    38	## The .!!| args to exec were determined by trial and error. ::: didn't work.
    39	#-----
    40	function screen_command() {
    41	  $STD_DEBUG
    42	  local name="$1"
    43	  shift
    44	  screen -x "$name" -X exec '.!!|' echo "$@"
    45	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
    46	}
    48	#-----
    49	## @param Screen session name
    50	## @param Window type
    51	## @param Name of new window
    52	## @param Command
    53	## @param (optional) Command args
    54	## @param ...
    55	## Window type may be one of:
    56	## <li>SCREEN_CAST_WIN
    57	## <li>SCREEN_SUMMON_WIN
    58	## <li>SCREEN_MAIN_WIN
    60	## <li>SCREEN_DEBUG_WIN
    61	## Only one of each type is allowed to exist at once
    62	## They are actualy window numbers in disguise
    63	#-----
    64	function screen_new_window() {
    65	  $STD_DEBUG
    66	  local screen_name="$1"
    67	  local win_num="$2"
    68	  local win_name="$3"
    69	  shift 3
    70	  screen -x "$screen_name" -X screen "$win_num" "$@"
    71	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
    72	  screen_name_window "$screen_name" "$win_num" "$win_name"
    73	  screen_notify "$screen_name" "$win_name started"
    74	}
    76	#-----
    77	## @param Screen session name
    78	## Attaches the named screen session to the tty.
    79	## Doesn't work properly since screen doesn't like being run in the bg.
    80	## Default escape code is ^A.
    81	#-----
    82	function screen_attach() {
    83	  $STD_DEBUG
    84	  screen -r "$1" $SCREEN_KEY &
    85	}
    87	#-----
    88	## @param Screen session name
    89	## Detaches the named screen session from the tty.
    90	#-----
    91	function screen_detach() {
    92	  $STD_DEBUG
    93	  screen -x "$1" -X detach
    94	}
    96	#-----
    97	## @param Screen session name
    98	## @param Window number
    99	## Kills the window in the session. Also notifies the user that the window was
   100	## closed
   101	#-----
   102	function screen_kill_window() {
   103	  $STD_DEBUG
   104	  screen -x "$1" -p "$2" -X kill
   105	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   106	  screen_notify "$1" "$2 ended"
   107	#  screen_switch_window "$1" 0
   108	}
   110	#-----
   111	## @param Screen session name
   112	## @param Window number
   113	## @param New name
   114	## Give an existing window a new name
   115	#-----
   116	function screen_name_window() {
   117	  $STD_DEBUG
   118	  screen -x "$1" -p "$2" -X title "$3"
   119	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   120	}
   122	#-----
   123	## @param Screen session name
   124	## Give aname to the current window.
   125	## There are race conditions aplenty if you're not careful
   126	#-----
   127	function screen_name_curr_window() {
   128	  $STD_DEBUG
   129	  screen -x "$1" -X title "$2"
   130	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   131	}
   133	#-----
   134	## @param Screen session name
   135	## @param Message
   136	## Notify the user of something happening using the status bar
   137	#-----
   138	function screen_notify() {
   139	  $STD_DEBUG
   140	  screen -x "$1" -X echo "$@"
   141	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   142	}
   144	#-----
   145	## @param Screen session name
   146	## @param Window to monitor
   147	## Sets a window to be monitored. The user will be informed of any activity
   148	## in the window.
   149	#-----
   150	function screen_monitor_window() {
   151	  $STD_DEBUG
   152	  screen -x "$1" -p "$2" -X monitor on
   153	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   154	}
   156	#-----
   157	## @param Screen session name
   158	## @param Window to monitor
   159	## Stops a window from being monitored
   160	#-----
   161	function screen_unmonitor_window() {
   162	  $STD_DEBUG
   163	  screen -x "$1" -p "$2" -X monitor off
   164	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   165	}
   167	#-----
   168	## @param Screen session name
   169	## @param Window to switch to
   170	## Changes the window the user sees
   171	#-----
   172	function screen_switch_window() {
   173	  $STD_DEBUG
   174	  screen -x "$1" -X select "$2"
   175	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   176	}
   178	#-----
   179	## @param Screen session name
   180	## Ends the screen session. Should end all processes running in the screen.
   181	#-----
   182	function screen_quit() {
   183	  $STD_DEBUG
   184	  screen -x "$1" -X quit
   185	}
   187	#-----
   188	## @param Screen session name
   189	## @param Window to move to
   190	## @param Window number to move to
   191	## Moves a window to a new number
   192	## If something is already at that number, it swaps them
   193	#-----
   194	function screen_move_window() {
   195	  $STD_DEBUG
   196	  screen -x "$1" -p "$2" -X number "$3"
   197	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   198	}
   200	#-----
   201	## @param Screen session name
   202	## @param Delay in seconds
   203	## Sets the time screen shows messages for
   204	#-----
   205	function screen_set_msgwait() {
   206	  $STD_DEBUG
   207	  screen -x "$1" -X msgwait $2
   208	  sleep $SCREEN_ANTI_RACE_SLEEP
   209	}