
     1	#!/bin/bash
     2	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
     3	##
     4	##=head1 SYNOPSIS
     5	##
     6	## Url handler functions for downloading rsync urls.
     7	##
     8	##=head1 DESCRIPTION
     9	##
    10	## This file contains functions for I<downloading> files through rsync.
    11	##
    12	## In order for rsync urls to be downloaded, the I<rsync> spell must have been
    13	## cast. This script first determines if rsync has been installed before
    14	## attempting to download a rsync url.
    15	##
    16	##=head1 RSYNC URL Format
    17	##
    18	##
    19	##      rsync://SERVER::MODULE_NAME
    20	##
    21	## The above url will download the latest version of the specified
    22	## module.
    23	##
    24	##=head1 EXAMPLES
    25	##
    26	## Suppose we want to download the latest version of the sorcery
    27	## stable grimoire via rsync.  We'd use the following url:
    28	##
    29	##      rsync://codex.sourcemage.org::stable
    30	##
    32	##
    33	## Downloading is supported but rsync url verification is not
    34	## currently supported.
    35	##
    36	##=head1 COPYRIGHT
    37	##
    38	## Copyright 2003 by the Source Mage Team
    39	##
    40	##=head1 FUNCTIONS
    41	##
    42	##=over 4
    43	##
    44	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    46	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    47	##=item dl_rsync_download <url>
    48	##
    49	## Fetch the specified rsync url.
    50	##
    51	## This handler supports both files and trees.
    52	##
    53	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    54	function dl_rsync_get() {
    55	  dl_command_check rsync || return 254
    57	  local target=$1
    58	  local url_list=$2
    59	  local hints=$3
    60	  local dl_target=$4
    61	  local dl_type=$5
    62	  local url rc=1
    64	  [[ $target ]] &&
    65	  dl_connect || return 255
    67	  local dl_file=0
    68	  if list_find "$hints" file; then
    69	    dl_file=1
    70	  fi
    72	  for url in $url_list; do
    73	    url=`url_rsync_crack "$url"`
    74	    dl_rsync_run_rsync "$target" "$url" "$dl_target" "$dl_type"
    75	    rc=$?
    76	    [[ $rc == 0 ]] && break
    77	  done
    78	  dl_disconnect
    80	  return $rc
    81	}
    83	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    84	##=item dl_rsync_run_rsync <url> <to>
    85	##
    86	## Private function. Calls rsync and beautifies output
    87	##
    88	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
    89	function dl_rsync_run_rsync() {
    90	  local target=$1
    91	  local url=$2
    92	  local dl_target=$3
    93	  local dl_type=$4
    95	  local TOTAL line retcode
    96	  local COUNT=0
    97	  local position="a"
    98	  local use_spinner
   100	  if [ "$dl_file" == 1 ]; then
   101	    TOTAL=0 # downloading a single file, not a source tree
   102	  else
   103	    let TOTAL=$(find $1 -type f 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
   104	    if [ "$TOTAL" -lt 2 ] ; then
   105	      let TOTAL=100
   106	      use_spinner=yes
   107	    else
   108	      let TOTAL+=10
   109	    fi
   110	  fi
   112	  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Running rsync...${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
   113	  if [ $TOTAL -lt 10 ] ; then
   114	    echo rsync -rz --delete --stats --progress "$url" "$target"
   115	    rsync -rz --delete --stats --progress "$url" "$target" #few files - big files
   116	    retcode=$?
   117	  else
   118	    echo rsync -rz --delete --stats -vv "$url" "$target"
   119	    {
   120	      rsync -rz --delete --stats -vv "$url" "$target"
   121	      echo $? > $TMP_DIR/rsync.rc
   122	    } | tee $TMP_DIR/rsyncout$$ |
   123	    while read line ; do
   124	      if [ "$position" == "c" ] ;then
   125	        #make the progress bar - as quick as possible
   126	        let COUNT=($COUNT+1)%$TOTAL
   127	        if [[ $use_spinner ]] ; then
   128	          progress_spinner
   129	        else
   130	          progress_bar $COUNT $TOTAL 50
   131	        fi
   132	      elif [ "$position" == "a" ] ;then
   133	        echo "$line" | grep -q 'receiving file list ...' && position="b"
   134	        echo "$line" #print welcome message until filelist almost starts
   135	      elif [ "$position" == "b" ] ;then
   136	        echo "$line" | grep -q 'done' && position="c"
   137	        echo "$line" #only now look for done = only filenames following
   138	      fi
   139	    done
   140	    retcode=$(<$TMP_DIR/rsync.rc)
   141	    [[ $retcode == 0 ]] &&
   142	    [[ $use_spinner ]] ||
   143	    progress_bar $TOTAL $TOTAL 50 # make the progress bar show 100, on success
   145	    echo
   146	    tail -n 25 $TMP_DIR/rsyncout$$ | head -n 12 #stats w/o useless stack stats
   147	    echo
   148	    rm -f $TMP_DIR/rsyncout$$
   149	  fi
   150	  if test -d $target; then
   151	    eval "$dl_type=\"tree\""
   152	  else
   153	    eval "$dl_type=\"file\""
   154	  fi
   155	  eval "$dl_target=\"$target\""
   156	  return $retcode
   157	}
   161	#---------------------------------------------------------------------
   162	##=back
   163	##
   164	##=head1 LICENSE
   165	##
   166	## This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   167	## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   168	## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   169	## (at your option) any later version.
   170	##
   171	## This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   172	## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   174	## GNU General Public License for more details.
   175	##
   176	## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   177	## along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
   178	## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   179	##
   180	#---------------------------------------------------------------------